Spoiler alert! We stand with Ruth Toner, in solidarity against spoilers. Vidya discovers a robot that paints like Rembrandt – is it an artist? What is art? What is meaning? We’ll discuss. Plus, Chris has a Beautiful Mind moment and helps you avert the existential crisis that is waiting for trains to arrive

We’re trying out something new! This week we’re introducing tips on software engineering. Love it? Hate it? Let us know on Twitter @PartiallyD or by emailing hello@partiallyderivative.com. Huge thanks to Michael Kennedy, host of Talk Python to Me and founder of Talk Python Training, for sharing some Python programming knowledge this week. Here’s a link with more details and code examples from Michael’s segment.

Massive thanks to this week’s sponsor, Cloud Factory! Go get 10% off your next project with Cloud Factory’s API-powered distributed task platform just for data science!

Last but not least, we have a quick chat with Adam Smith from Kite, the new AI-powered pair programming app for Python. Thanks Adam for being on the show!